Site Information
Category: Silkroad Online Top 100
Site Name: urbano sro
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Date Signed Up: Mar 09, 2020
Gold Member: No
Site Description: Game-Play To Win PVE Cap 110 Skills Cap 110 Degree 11 Race Chinese & European EU Mastery 220 - NORMAL CH Mastery 330 Daily Events Yes Active GM Yes Union Yes Murdering Player Is Disabled Coin & Gold system Suitable System More Instructions : How to play like a boss Step 1: Create your character and log in game. Step 2: Join an alias whether it's a thief or a hunter, go out and start killing your enemy. Step 3: Participate into game kill uniques,mobs and earn coins, buy elixirs and enhance your items. Step 4: Join a guild, start killing Uniques, get special item and of course make some friends. Step 5: Join Event's and capture the flag and go make trade to get Gold. Uniques : 1-Roc. 2-Jupiter. 3-The Earth. 4-Yuno. 5-Ghost Sereness. 6-Seth. 7-Ball. 8-Babilion. 9-Rage Cloud. 10-Zielkiaxe. 11-Battle Golem. 12-Tai-Sui. 13-White Knight. 14-Princess Miyene. 15-Isis. 16-Nieth. 17-Anubis. 18-Selket. 19-Haroeris. 20-Tiger Girl. 21-Uruchi. 22-Cerberus. 23-Captin Ivy. 24-Isyutaru. 25-Lord Yarakan. 26-Demon Shaitan. 27-Sphinx. 28-Horus. 29-Eris. 30-Apis. 31-Osiris. 32-Nephtyes. 33-Medusa. Beta Opening Soon...
Active: Yes

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