451 | NoliCraft. Serveur RP a la recherche de membres pour agrandir sa communaut. MMO/RP : Jobs, Argent, Systme de commerce. Un serveur RP pour les joueurs qui veulent passer de bon moment a rigoler. COMMUNAUT FRANCOPHONE UNIQUEMENT... | 0 | 306 |
452 | Two Creepers One Craft No Lagg - 24/7 - Survival - Economy - Ventrilo - Ranks - Kits... | 0 | 306 |
453 | Crossroads Minecraft Server Welcome to CrossRoadsWe are a dedicated server with a growing community, equipped with several plugins to enhance your game-play, such as Multiverse (multi-worlds) and BigBrother (grief logging). Our server currently has 150+ Players registered. For ... | 0 | 270 |
454 | - Ratchet City Servers 1.8 - Friendly Admins - New Economy - No lag - Anti-grief Protection - 24/7 - Dedicated Server - Daily Backups - Nice community - And much more - Join Now - Weekly Events- No - Whitelist - The best plugins - Join Now Server Opens October 23rd to the public... | 0 | 269 |
455 | Craft4Ever DEDICATED ANTI CREEPERTREEASSIST gtgt FACTIONS (working to fix) AND MORE65 SLOTS AND MORE PLUGINSSURVIVAL Enter Now184.171.250.67... | 0 | 217 |
456 | mnfcraft.de Minecraft Beta Server,, TS3, Webseite, 50 slots, nette Admins, Freebuild und Stadt... | 0 | 278 |
457 | NoMercy Multigaming Polish multigaming. Minecraft RolePlay server. Loads of mods (including cuboid, shop etc.) 30 slots. Kind players and admins. Nice atmosphere. Need to be white-listed.... | 0 | 289 |
458 | MCStoneBreak Der beste German Reallife server.Have Fun (:... | 0 | 285 |
459 | - Unholy Gaming. - Minecraft Creative - 24/7 - Nice Community - Recently Launched - 30 Player Slots - no-lag - Creative Minecraft - No Mobs - No animals - - allows every user - grirf log - searching moderators - make intro to get building abilities - Griefers Banned - Nice Staff - Se You ... | 0 | 393 |
460 | Playcraft-Now Freier deutscher Minecraft server 20 slots wir nach und nach erhht.Events shops plugins lwc towny Fr jeden zugnglich auch ohne offizielles Minecraft... | 0 | 283 |
461 | Minington Small community of Minecrafters.99 grief free... | 0 | 310 |
462 | Psycho-Minecraft Minecraft 1.8 Beta FreebuildNon Register Nothing hamachi : Psycho-Minecraft1 pw: 1234or Psycho-Minecraft2pw: 1234Join us and have Fun... | 0 | 308 |
463 | Pirate-Cooking MC - Neue Map ca. 1 Woche alt (viel Platz zum kreativ sein- Nether WARP- Verschiedene Warp Punkte auf der ganzen Map, welche euch das reisen erleichtern- fhiges Admin und Moderatoren team- Bukkit Server, mit Plugins(Towny,LWC usw.)- Forum amp TeamSpea... | 0 | 283 |
464 | Zee Server - 40 Slots, Two worlds We aim at being a server with the best of both worlds. Literally. We have the first world that is Creative and then the second which has a more RP style to it.Come check it out and enjoyIP: zeeserver.provisionhost... | 0 | 279 |
465 | Crafting-Zone Crafting-Zone ein deutschsprachiger Server, offen fuer alle Minecraft begeisterten (auch fuer die Piraten unter euch :D). 24/7, keine lags, Waehrungssystem und Shop. Schaut doch mal rein.... | 0 | 363 |
466 | lasivirse A Minecraft survival pvp server with a great community. Plugins include mcMMO and supernaturals among others.Join today... | 0 | 274 |
467 | CorruptCraft Minecraft Server No lag, Changing max slots, OC3 Connection, Survival, 24/7, Friendly Admins, Tons of plugins... | 0 | 307 |
468 | Icecraft Let you Surprise :DGerman/English Server... | 0 | 279 |
469 | - Awoken Legends - The Real G Spot - Server IP: : players may freely log onto our server without having to ever donate, but when doing this your will only be a Member that just does not have as many permissions.... | 0 | 275 |
470 | SMASHCRAFT Smashcraft, the best true Minecraft server around. With simple additives such as leveling, skills, abilities, economy, and more, you039re sure to have the best Minecraft experience around.... | 0 | 339 |
471 | Landofthecraft Landofthecraft is a new server looking for players of any type We want to build our community while gaining the respect from each individual that plays with us.The new and improved survival serverJoin us... | 0 | 281 |
472 | GERMAN RoyalCraft 24/7 Wir bieten euch Minecraft in neuen Dimensionen.Kommt auf unseren Server, baut euren Traum, erschliet neue Landstriche und baut mit uns eine neue Stadt auf... | 0 | 264 |
473 | SilentCraft IP: silentcraft.no-ip.orgThere is a whitelist. Please reply here with the correct format to play.... | 0 | 215 |
474 | MineCraft Heroes German minecraft Server... | 0 | 263 |
475 | ZephYR LV minecraft New Minecraft server RUS/LV... | 0 | 262 |
476 | MuffinCraft No lag Factions Welcome to MuffinCraft No lag, 50 slots, Vote at the top right.... | 0 | 254 |
477 | Creeper Craft City-Build 24/7 Stable City Build Server 24/7 No lag 99.9 uptime Great prices on stack of items Whitelist... | 0 | 295 |
478 | FreeMibus Minecraft Server deutscher Minecraft BETA u. Classic Server Immer bis zu 20 Spieler online Freundliche Community Feuerzeug, Lava und TNT ist verboten Auto-Grief Kick... | 0 | 263 |
479 | GodsCraft New Server starting outcheck out our website... | 0 | 285 |
480 | Minecraft Brap - Free building Minecraft Brap ServerFree building24/7 online... | 0 | 282 |
481 | SnowyCraft [24/7][Free Build] SnowyCraft is a friendly survival/building server, with helpful staff and a nice community. When you play on ,SnowyCraft you can nbuild, explore, fight, and much more.... | 0 | 282 |
482 | Unleashed Minecraft Unleashed Minecraft is one of the best servers out - 24/7 - 100 Uptime - Land protection - Upgrading - New plugins - PVP Mods - Big economy - Great economy - Real-time map - Ranks - Daily Backups - Friendly staff - Epic breath taking spawn and towns.... | 0 | 256 |
483 | Fifty7Gaming : 32GB Dedicated 120 SLOT 32 GB - SMP - No lag - Anti-grief Protection - 24/7 - Dedicated Server - No Bugs - 120 Slot - Nice community - Forums - Voice Chat - Residence - iAuction - Join Us Today... | 0 | 322 |
484 | OpenCraft.ru 24/7, big world, skylands, some fun, rpg, economy, pvp, forum, best plugins.... | 0 | 248 |
485 | Solarcraft The best minecraft world. Server IP: | 0 | 263 |
486 | best minecraft [aus] Minecraft server aus... | 0 | 234 |
487 | EpicCraft 24/7 Small lag free server, everyone here is epic, friendly, and awesome. Server has alot of anti-grief too. This is a bukkit server with towny,mcMMO and other neat plugins IP is or epiccraft-argilla11:25565... | 0 | 276 |
488 | StabiloWorld Stabilo MC Server Website... | 0 | 304 |
489 | TheMinecrafters IP: pvp.theminecrafters best Minecraft Server Ever... | 0 | 335 |
490 | CreeperCraft2.0 500 Slots, PvP, Creative and Survival Mode, Hosting Hardcore Modes, Fun, Amazing, Donate to keep server running, Vote To Keep Us As The BEST I give out free Diamond Swords Every Monday at 6:00PM and Thursdays at 8:30PM... | 0 | 272 |
491 | ourcrafty server IP: play.ourcraftyPerks of our server:- Active owners- New, unspoiled world to build in- No whitelist- Jobs, Economy, Ranks- 24/7 Dedicated Server- No lag- Spleef- Mob Arena- Log Block so we can roll back and track griefing... | 0 | 294 |
492 | DreamCraft 1.1HUN Minecraft Dedicated Server10Slot1.1Mob and Spleef arenaHotelTescoShowcase ShopBukkit30+ PluginsHamachi:dreamminecraft1 PW:123dreamminecraft2 PW:123dreamminecraft3 PW:123... | 0 | 251 |
493 | RainbowCraft [No Lag] [Bukkit] [No Lag][Survival] [PVP] [Freebuild] [Friendly Community]... | 0 | 296 |
494 | QualityCraft101 This server is a great serverGreifing is kept at a minimum If you would like to donate that would be wonderful This server has cool plugins 20 Slots The IP is sc20.servercraft.co:9770 Make Sure to put the :9770 Thanks for playing QualityCraft101... | 0 | 478 |
495 | Qrid :: Survival Multiplayer Minecraft Qrid :: SMP Minecraft Server :: Powerful Dedicated Linux Server :: 8GB RAM :: Friendly Community :: Professional Staff :: Also Recruiting.... | 0 | 390 |
496 | GeekCraft 24/7 public Server Shop System+Whrung nettes,gelassenes Team Anti Grief Plugins mehr als 1 Grundstck pro Spieler... | 0 | 291 |
497 | FinnsCraft FinnsCraft Minecraft Server./PvP/Factions/iConomy/Survival, Great People, Great Server.... | 0 | 272 |
498 | S0meCraft 24/7 99 Uptime No Lag Website for S0mecraft The 24/7 Minecraft server with 99+ Uptime here are a few plugins:CitizensiConomyEssentialsShops(ChestShop)TownyGreifers are immediately jailed or banned, and cussing isn039t allowed. Come join the fun... | 0 | 325 |
499 | Privat-Minecraft-Gamers Immer aktuelle VersionBukkit24/7 OnlineJeden Tag BackupNettes Team+CommunityJunkfixxesTS3Keine gecrackten VersionenViel Spa... | 0 | 269 |
500 | MY FREE BUILD FREE BUILD... | 0 | 303 |