Minecraft Top 100

EpiCraft-Become EPIC 500 Slots No Lag

Site Information
Category: Minecraft Top 100
Site Name: EpiCraft-Become EPIC 500 Slots No Lag
Site URL: http://epicraft.com.au
Date Signed Up: Mar 01, 2012
Gold Member: No
Site Description: HUGE 24/7 Dedicated Australian managed, world accessible server hosts 500 slots and almost 1000 community members Enjoy our Surv-PvP-Challenge-Event-Conquest-RPG world and weekend events. Come and become EPIC. Server ip s.epi-craft TRAILER:
Active: Yes
Site Online: ONLINE

More Details
Title: #1 EpiCraft Australia & the World Home - #1 EpiCraft Official Home
Description: Not available
Related Keywords: Not available

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