301 | HB Angel Max LVL is 300 Max Stats is 500 Exp is Fast 1 Kill 10EKADMINAngel Help EVENT FIXS help EK/Trade/Summon... Ban/Shutoff ...... | 0 | 300 |
302 | hb new rioja up join :D lvl Max 311 Start Max 500 Ek x 25 Exp 100 Drop 100 Drop Rare 100NO OLVIDEN VOTAR... | 0 | 288 |
303 | HB FORCE new server 200/200 nice gm almost time online.... exp fast ek x 10... | 0 | 311 |
304 | HB Dragon Servidor:Hamachi Max lvl: 180 Max stats: 200 Ek: 20 Exp: High Drop: Medium-High Angelic Pandent rn Crafting Crusade Balanced PVP Experice Staff Many Events 24/7 Lag 0 Ek Trade 100+ PPL... | 0 | 293 |
305 | HB Omega Max lvl. 300 Max. Stats 500 EK10 Pure pvp server Level fast and pvp almost instantly FAST leveling FAST majestics for angel upgrade Loads of custom items and events... | 0 | 300 |
306 | Helbreath Virtual Proximamente UP... | 0 | 299 |
307 | Helbreath Evenement LvL 200 - Max Stats 200 - EK x10 - Exp Fast - Drop Good - Majestics - Angels... | 0 | 305 |
308 | The King Of Helbreath -Max lvl: 475 -Max Stats: 700 -EK: 50 -Exp High -Drop High -Magestic Upgrade -Angelic Pandent -Nuevas Armas -Nuevas Armaduras - PvP Server - Items for Ek - Items for Ball039s - Wings and New items - Nice GMS... | 0 | 289 |
309 | HB Basic NEW exp:fast, Drop:Low Damage:height, Maps: A,E, ML, TOH1-3. Money:very low. Wery good server.... | 0 | 290 |
310 | Helbreath: The Slayers Max lvl 250 / Max Stats 300 / High Exp / High Drop rate / Good GMs / Up 24/7 / Come Play... | 0 | 298 |
311 | Medieval Frontline This is a Helbreath Server game which entitles you all to one of the best games yet to come out. We have great gms, great players, and best of all great connection line. 100mbit to be exact. Please try us out. You wont regret it.... | 0 | 298 |
312 | HB-TemplaR Max lvl 200//Max stats: 200//24 hours ONLINE//Drop Rate Hight//Exp HIGHT... | 0 | 291 |
313 | Helreath ZEALOT Max Level 250 Max Stats 220 Experience x30 E.K Adjust 5 E.K REP-Drop Modifier 5 Drop Rate 75 Daily Events Ladder System Special Scripts Trading System (E.Ks and Points) Skills Enhanced... | 0 | 315 |
314 | Helbreath Amplified Max Level : 250 - Max Stats : 500 - EK/Kill - 5 : Rep Mod : 10 - Drop Rate : High - Gold Drop : Lowered - Exp : Moderate High. - Custom Items, and spells. Hammer and Armor Stripping 100 Working. Event, and ball points system.... | 0 | 249 |
315 | Equilibrium Project Based on HBx2.24, constantlly fixed/improved, many new features, charclasses, items, spells. The main feature of the server is the constant research of a good balance.... | 0 | 235 |
316 | Helbreath NETOVERLORDS Have an Average of 300players, Balanced game.. Very Fun Exciting )... | 0 | 295 |
317 | North and South Helbreath Max lvl 180, Max stat 200, 8x exp, small good community, Players Needed, Ek 5... | 0 | 376 |
318 | Helbreath USA 2 Max lvl 318 Max stat 350, Middle/High exp .. More Ek, No Need Of Cont. Hero Items For Ek. Come have a look, and read about it... By: Slinky... | 0 | 282 |
319 | Helbreath Milenio Host pago por 14 meses es totalmente gratis, Max Stats 200 - Max Lvl 180 - Exp - Un Poco alta - Todos los mapas up... | 0 | 278 |
320 | Helbreath Mint The new and improved single calorie helbreath server 260/500, High exp Up 8/22/05... | 0 | 274 |
322 | Helbreath Preatorian Buscamos Experto en php ( darkfire007_bondhotmail)... | 0 | 284 |
323 | HBForce Maxlvl:310,Max stats:320,Ek:10,DropRate:75,Exp:Medium... | 0 | 264 |
324 | HB-Exodus Max Stats 200/Max Lvl 180/ Global Exp x4 / Barraks Exp x7/ Responsable Gms/ New Maps/ New Weapons/ Events/ Exodus Rulz Enlgish - Espaol/ Hispano.xD... | 0 | 287 |
325 | Helbreath Ripster Helbreath Ripster Server Info: Exp: HIGH, Drop Rate: HIGH, Max LvL/StatS: 310/500, Friendly Gms, Searching for good players... | 0 | 289 |
326 | .:HBxK:. Helbreath xK Max LVL - 210 Max Stats 200 Exp RATE - Low - Medium Nice GM team NO lag... | 0 | 248 |
327 | Helbreath Shadow Servidor para personas roleras y q les gusta la personificacion (tipo DD) sin dejar de lado el PvP, Max Llv 180, Max stats 200, Skill 100, exp x5, Radio para escuchar la mejor musica mientras juegas y mas (armas, items y magias)...mayor info entrar a... | 0 | 290 |
328 | HB Revolt Max lv. 300/Max Stats 500/New Armour, Weapons, and Boot Sets/Up 24/7/Friendly GMs/No Cheating... | 0 | 258 |
329 | : Helbreath AES Returns : Helbreath AES... Max lvl 250 Stats 300, Drop rate Alto.... | 0 | 340 |
331 | Helbreath Esoteric 100 MB host 24/7 Host, Lvl/Stat 250/500,New Classes,Majestic Points,EK Announcer,Magic Stripping,Hammer Strip,New Manu/Fishing/Mining Items,ExpHigh,New codes added every day,Perfect Class Balance... | 0 | 269 |
332 | HB-Crusade Original server with heldenian, apocalypsis and crusade, Exp 6x Barracks 3x Normal , max lvl 180, max stat 200, dk set and majestic points fully working.Espaol, English, Polish players.... | 0 | 279 |
333 | Helbreath Sanctuary Max lvl620...Max Stat500...A private helbreath server with many new items, such as weapons armour, and there are also many different types of magic as well... | 0 | 279 |
334 | Helbreath Sublime 180/200 Moderately high exp, high drop rate. EKx5, repx5. Unique client.... | 0 | 300 |
335 | HB-EuropE Helbreath EuropE EuropE Espaol/English Server, V3.51 SQL original. lvl max: 180 , Stats: 200 Exp: x3 (Barracas x5) Drop Rate: Low Ek1, skill100x7 Apocalypse - Crusade ON MPs ON... | 0 | 274 |
336 | Helbreath New MAX LVL: 520MAX STATS: 900Nice GMsHigh Exp... | 0 | 442 |
337 | ]]][[[Helbreath Lux]]][[[ HBLUX MAX LEVEL 200 MAX STATS 200 NO RESET HAS BEEN MADE HAVE FUN... | 0 | 331 |
338 | Helbreath Top 100 My Official Helbreath Top Site... | 0 | 309 |
339 | HBGOD great hbserver max stat 200 max lvl 300 exp:med/high... | 0 | 244 |
340 | HBBASiX HBBASiX - Initial launch soon... 24/7 fast connection, mysql, undecided rates.... | 0 | 277 |
341 | Helbreath The lost Chaos /Max lv 600/Max Stat 600 /new server 24/7... | 0 | 277 |
342 | HB-Latino ///max lvl:310 max stat:500 ek:10 4 classes of character and have fun///... | 0 | 286 |
343 | HelBreath the best free server. Maxlvl350, angels add100 points, Ultra High EXP, All new Items, maps and spawns have been revised, Weekly updates. Theres also many people to have fun with, and GMs that are willing to help, not just tell you to goto fourms. Stop looking for a decent... | 0 | 283 |
344 | HB Toco Max lvl 310, Max stats 500, 24/7, High drop rate, 100 skills.... | 0 | 339 |
345 | HBXPanded Website A very balanced PvP Server. Experience: Extremely High - Drop:High - Max Level: 600 Max Stat: 800 - EK:5:1 - Rep Mod: 5:1 Very friendly GM Staff Come Join us... | 0 | 285 |
346 | Helbreath ZoomBy .:: Helbreath ZoomBY ::. Nuevo servidor de Helbreath, con configuracin orginal (max lvl 180, 1 ek 1ek, Exp x3, x2, x1.5). Contamos con el soporte del portal de juegos ms grande de sudamrica (), y un gran staff dispuesto a ayudart... | 0 | 296 |
347 | HB Armagedon Polish server the best server... | 0 | 323 |
348 | HB DarKAliancE HB server version 3.51 max lvl/stats 520/500 ekx3 new armors,weapons and rings come and have fun... | 0 | 316 |
349 | HB Blazen brand new server max lvl 418 max stat 500 server up 24/7 come check it out... | 0 | 327 |
350 | HB Forgotten Welcome to Polish Server Max.lvls 300 Max.Stats 500 1 kill 20 eks Exp:High Drop:High... | 0 | 302 |