Aion Online Top 100

Aion TORC Philippines - FULL 2.7 SUPPORT

Site Information
Category: Aion Online Top 100
Site Name: Aion TORC Philippines - FULL 2.7 SUPPORT
Site URL:
Date Signed Up: Mar 01, 2012
Gold Member: No
Site Description: Philippines best and unique Aion private server. x999 EXP, x100 ALL RATES. All 2.7 Items available. Unique Silentera Canyon with custom spawns and drops. Stormwing set as starter pack. Join us now and enjoy the bloodbath at Silentera.
Active: Yes
Site Online: ONLINE

More Details
Title: Aion TORC Philippines - Aion private server
Description: Provides a unique game experience for Filipino gamers. The most advance and leading Aion private server in Asia, hosted in Philippines. Free Lucky Wings for Starters. Rates up to x100, No Lags, Daily Events, Esoterrace, Empyrean Crucible, Stigma and All Skills Auto-learn. Join us now and grab our awesome freebies just for you!
Related Keywords: aion torc,, advance, motions, esoterrace, aion, aion servers, asia, torc, playtorc, aion private server, private servers, 2.5, 2.6, best, top, ncsoft, aiononline, aion online, mmorpg, mmo, online game, free, game, pvp

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